Stranded | Teen Ink


March 6, 2012
By SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
SlamMyPoetry GOLD, Lexington, Kentucky
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Death is the greatest form of love."-Charles Manson

If I were stranded on an island,
I know what I would do,
First I would look for survivors,
Then find my lost shoe.

I would learn to swim,
Fish out in the waters,
Hunt down native beasts,
For warmth I’d use furs.

I would find native peoples,
Learn their culture,
Make myself a grand leader,
Teach them to use nature.

I would establish great farming,
Then make ways to transport crops,
I would make religion important,
We would grow to our tops.

We would develop electricity,
And make air conditioning,
We would make politics,
And have no changing.

Then 200 years later,
After I’m gone,
The economy and government shall fail,
Then the island is done.

Essentially, I would make America.

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