The Melody | Teen Ink

The Melody

April 18, 2012
By Deighton BRONZE, Fonthill, Other
Deighton BRONZE, Fonthill, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The teaching goes on." -Mitch Albom

Pianist, pianist
play me a sweet tune
one of sorrow, of passion
one that'll surely make me swoon

Skim those keys with pure grace
lighting up the ivory shell
play me oh, but a single song
that will surely make my heart melt

I do not care for complex notes or complicated rhythm
a simple melody will do
I'm not focused on the machine itself
but on the pianist at work, focused on you

Show me your soul
through the sound of the keys
play me a story of a life of joy
of laughter in the wind of the trees

I do not care for a nursery rhyme
but of the depths of a person's troubles
I am nothing but a deprived, starving soul
craving that sense to be full

Play, play for every and any emotion
that passes your eyes
throw yourself full body
into the power of its unlimited skies

Oh pianist, pianist
play the story of real life for me
for I am nothing but locked out in the cold
and you hold that curved key

So sit, and rest, place your hands on the keys
and I'll wait for you to start
for when I hear that tune come out
I would like to hear the melody of your heart

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem for my friend, Phoebe, who's passion in life is to create beautiful music.

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