Eyes of Time | Teen Ink

Eyes of Time

May 2, 2012
By HKess BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
HKess BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I look deep into the wrinkled eyes
I see the sorrows
I see the struggles
I see the burdens this man carries
That would age even the young

Each wrinkle is a memory
Each lost eyelash a wish
And every grey eyebrow a hair of wisdom

On the surface you see eyes
Warn with time
Almost too heavy to keep open
For what could bear the burdens of time

As I look deeper into the frosty, grey eyes
I see a spark
It is faint
But it is apparent to those who look

In this spark
Muffled by the trials of time
There is hope

There is hope
There is happiness
There is a longing to dance at his grandchildrens’ weddings

This is a spark for life
A spark for the future
It is this spark for the living that keeps the eyes open
For the burden of time past cannot truly muffle the dreams of time to come

The author's comments:
I wrote this shortly after a family friend died and was recalling an earlier time.

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