Why Me ? | Teen Ink

Why Me ?

October 1, 2012
By KayliLovesYou PLATINUM, Lincoln, Nebraska
KayliLovesYou PLATINUM, Lincoln, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 52 comments

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dont cry because it is over smile because it happened

People see me
and they think
they know me
they how strong i am at hiding my pain
so they
cant tell i am hurting
because of that they seem
to think
that its okay
to break me
like glass on concrete

Why Me

How am i to keep all this
pain from showing on my face
I am not bullet proof
like i seem to be
i am not that brick wall
like i need to be
instead i am expected
to hide the pain & take
the blows like i have
for so many years

Why Me

I cant do it anymore!!!

The author's comments:
i wrote this just as my ex best friend kept throwing the painful blows that comes when someone ends a friendship that you have had for 3 full years so i hope you will notice the pain i have written in here i also hope u will enjoy this poem it is how i am feeling and have felt for a while now

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 23 2012 at 9:29 am
KayliLovesYou PLATINUM, Lincoln, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont cry because it is over smile because it happened

finally someone who understands i wrote it cause i felt like no one understood and now i know somoene does thank you for your post

on Oct. 16 2012 at 5:05 pm
Smileykin234 SILVER, Owasso, Oklahoma
8 articles 1 photo 31 comments

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I'm not lazy, I'm an energy saver.


I know how exactly how you feel