inconsistent | Teen Ink


November 2, 2012
By Anonymous

i'm not too sure why my dad wasn't real fond of me, why i turned out brunette when all my family was blonde,
why x=15,

or why birds get the privilege to fly far away when they please.

i never knew why caterpillars turned into butterflies when i'd always been plain,
why people were so stupidly confusing,
why sleeping was always the better option,

or how your brain (or i guess, your heart) decided you were infatuated with the boy who had cascading chesnut brown hair and orange-ish brown eyes (and thick eyelashes!)

but i know i still think about you too much.

my life's been filled with inconsistencies,
unreliable people,
complicated words that sent me into the arms of endlessly dusty dictionaries.

i never really knew much or understood much and couldn't ever find a pattern; a rhythym to anything.

but the only thing that's ever been the same was




The author's comments:
something in my day decided to stir up some lost feelings, i suppose.

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This article has 1 comment.

damselfly said...
on Nov. 15 2012 at 3:15 pm
I love this poem ... written from the heart!