Vibrancy | Teen Ink


November 19, 2012
By 25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
25sinnh BRONZE, Berne, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Vibrancy is the last stroke of a painting
Vibrancy is the conquering shot of a war
Vibrancy is the passion between lovers apart
Vibrancy is water across the sand stricken shore
Vibrancy is the little green stem poking through the black earth
Vibrancy is facing your fears
Vibrancy is knowing you climbed higher
Vibrancy is the deep colors of a sunset over a snow-covered mountain
Vibrancy is a free bet without anxious remorse
Vibrancy is a peacock in full sprawl
Vibrancy is feeling the way of your course
Vibrancy is going against the grain
Never be afraid to be your own kinda vibrant.

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