Living in Castles | Teen Ink

Living in Castles

November 29, 2012
By PeaceLoveTreesMusic GOLD, Yorkville, Illinois
PeaceLoveTreesMusic GOLD, Yorkville, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" -Jimi Hendrix

Once lived a little girl
In the castles of her mind-
The secret corridors
All but impossible to find
But then, with a flutter
Of her hopeful heart
She sought out acceptance
In a separate world apart
With open palms
She offered everything she had-
From the very best she could give
To the shameful and the bad
In her eager soul
She had thought all would be true
Opening her eyes
To a shiny world of new
But much to her surprise
To her backs were turned against
So she hid in the castle
Heavily guarded, heavily fenced
Until one day, out her window
Her weary eyes did look
And she realized with certainty
It was herself they all took
She ran from her room,
Ran out the wretched castle doors
Stumbling through the battles,
The bloodshed and the wars
At last at herself is where
She finally came to stand
Forever abandoning her
False reality dreamland
Discovering who she was
From all of what and who she did adore
Happy with herself
Imperfect to her core

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