I'm Lost | Teen Ink

I'm Lost

December 7, 2012
By deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is too important to be taken seriously-Oscar Wilde

Lost in thought
Lost in life
Many answers I have sought
But the answers are thin as a knife.
What if's and why's fill my mind
The questions I ask myself are not kind
I toss and turn in the middle of the night
To me, my future is not bright
I've almost given up on this maze
I've been going through life in a daze
I need something to make life clear
but the answer to that I cannot hear
I've looked for the end, through the twists and turns
And through it all I always get burned.
Finding the end comes at a cost
In the end I always get lost

The author's comments:
I've been lost in life for so long. Sometimes I wonder how many pthers feel this way.

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