What Lies Ahead | Teen Ink

What Lies Ahead

December 12, 2012
By Derick Grandoit BRONZE, Sydney, Other
Derick Grandoit BRONZE, Sydney, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't get
This doesn't make sense
Why do I feel surrounded by loneliness?
I don't understand why my heart is so heavy
But when I tip it over its seems as if it empty
What if I didn't exist
And all the things I’m known for where forgotten
But since that not a reality
I’m live my life until I’m in a grandpa chair rocking
Thinking about the right and wrongs
The do’s and don’ts
Then I pause and scratch my hairless head
Now though this is a far away event
The clocks ticking can’t be stopped
So we all know that our time will end
But in our life book the cover is not the main point but what within

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