The Song of Desperation | Teen Ink

The Song of Desperation

January 13, 2013
By HummingbirdsFly BRONZE, Falls Church, Virginia
HummingbirdsFly BRONZE, Falls Church, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The sun comes up with utter brilliance,
But I can’t help but stare forward, an onlooker, emotionless.

One more word one more step , closer to where I stood
One hundred kisses seemed expected but were ripped away from my grasp.

And still time stops when I remember,
and turns its head away with vague regret.

I caused this separation with my acute fear of commitment
and with this an air of ignorance to the truth in front of me.

I sit here and wonder at what mistakes caused this failure
and I sit and wonder if my words caused the pyramids to fall.

Because you were the pyramids, a miracle, profound, and astonishing
And I was the explorer, the navigator, the archeologist searching for answers.

In you I found a budding flower, an answer enough to my desire
And the bud blossomed into a rose with a color more vivid than blood

Like a vine we grew so quickly, skyward
Then the gardener cut us down, only a weed nothing special

The sweet honeyed milk became rancid, repulsive, repugnant
and we drowned in it letting it become who we are.

We both ran around as if we were blameless
both children, both oblivious to our self inflicting tendencies.

We were innocent once in the lonely days of our illusory love
but innocence died in a fit of disillusion and you ran back faster than ever

You flew in and you flew out
with you came the lightning and then the thunder.

Swift as a swallow silently swooping skyward
then diving down deep until he drowns.

You bought the world to grab my attention
but this world took you to other places farther away.

The hurt in midst of happiness
the happiness in the midst of hurt should have been clue enough

The heart you tore away beats in its own time
the veins you rip away only leave more pain, not less

I see now the truth, the calm before the storm
I see now there was nothing there an end without a beginning.

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