The understatement of my understanding | Teen Ink

The understatement of my understanding

January 26, 2013
By bayley.cutshaw GOLD, Plymouth, Michigan
bayley.cutshaw GOLD, Plymouth, Michigan
13 articles 6 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Everybodys going to hurt you in life, you just have to find the people worth suffering for" -Bob Marley or "If you're going to be two faced atleast make one of them pretty" -Marilyn Monroe

Never had these feelings
it's like putting my tongue on the spring part of a battery
like the jumper cables between two cars
the strum of a guitar string and it breaking
the mini heart attack you get when you miss the last step
this is how i feel with you
the first nick on your wrist
the heart throb from running to fast
it's the different feelings between us
the bad news before the good
just the shock you give me
the feeling of falling as your just about asleep
you make me thrive for more
but i love what I've got
i need who i am
and i feel you need me too
like a lighter to it's flame

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