The Darkness | Teen Ink

The Darkness

January 27, 2013
By epicinsanity SILVER, Granite Springs, New York
epicinsanity SILVER, Granite Springs, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations." -John Green

I never thought I'd fall in love, and I never did

What I felt when I met you can only be described as hope

I was stuck in a hole, and you pulled me out

Well, at least you tried, before the walls closed in on me completely

Yet as I was stuck in the dark alone, I could hear your voice

You spoke to me, but you couldn't help me

I couldn't see you, but I could hear defeat in your voice

When you gave up on me, I never doubted you

But I doubted me

I never thought I'd fall in love, but I did

Not with you

With the darkness in the hole

It spoke to me, louder than you ever could

It could hug me with its cold arms

I could close my eyes, but it never left

It started to whisper to me about my fears

It mentioned you once

It doesn't like you

It told me you didn't care, and I nodded

I already knew that

I saw myself in the darkness, which was both absolutely horrifying and fantastically amusing

I could laugh at it, because I could laugh at myself

I was used to laughing at myself

After all, I'd been doing it all my life

One day, I woke up in the darkness, and something was wrong

You were gone

The darkness smiled at me, and I smiled back, but it was different this time

It wants to hurt me now

I never thought I'd fall in love, and I never did

The darkness talks about you a lot now

It says you never cared about me and I nod,

Because it's right

I reached out the other day, with my hand

I couldn't feel anything

I looked down and I wasn't surprised to see there was no ground under my feet

I was falling, but I wasn't moving

I asked the darkness where I was, if I could get out

The darkness said yes, but it would hurt me

So I hurt myself


For a hundred years

It burns, and I bleed, and I cry, but my tears don't go anywhere,

Because I'm still falling

But then the darkness is there, wrapping its arms around mine,

And the pain disappears

As it wipes my tears away, the darkness tells me that there's a way for this pain to end

There's a way out

And I nod

I never thought I'd fall in love, and I never did

The darkness hands me what I think is a knife

I clutch it in my hand, and then drop it; it's searing hot

I stumble to catch it before it falls into the abyss below me

It's you

All my scars reopen

I'm bleeding, I'm crying, and oh, God, am I tired

So, so tired

The darkness shrieks, and I cover my ears, dropping you

When I see what I've done, I chase you




Down where I've dared not go before

I barely have time to open my eyes before I make it to see you

Arms open

Eyes unfocused, staring at something behind me

I turn around to see what it is, and it's the darkness, rearing its legs in fury

I don't have time to smile as I land in your weak arms, and the darkness is gone.

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