Harpoon | Teen Ink


April 16, 2013
By redstars SILVER, Burbank, California
redstars SILVER, Burbank, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Can you understand? Someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little? For all my despair, for all my ideals, for all that - I love life. But it is hard, and I have so much - so very much to learn.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Journals of Sylvia Plath

The barbed wires melt when they see you
Your red hairband, even that hand, even that arm
It likes you,
When you’re dark and malice
Swarming in the creek, making desert noises
And containing so much fury and complacent envy
You’re so obsessive of my eyes; you even own what I see
That it swims now, insanely in the emptiness of my disease
You still remind me of soft ice cream
In that cone, in that dry landmark
Will you lie there
Unarmed except for a pink harpoon
Because you don’t trust anyone
You watch the sea
Where the fish are really free
And you suddenly wish that you were one
Flapping your fin with the salt
Eating other fish
Because you weren’t made for this world here
You’re too mad for anyone
Even for me

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