New Paint | Teen Ink

New Paint

April 18, 2013
By Former BRONZE, Sudbury, Massachusetts
Former BRONZE, Sudbury, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide." -Abraham Lincoln

You like to stare at ceilings,
You like to-
Play Pretend.
You like to say things-
To talk about
Another life-
Where you are alone,
Because that’s where you are most comfortable.

Did anyone ever tell you that you didn’t belong?
Did anyone ever ever ask you-
About that mind of yours?
About that world of yours?
And didn’t they tell you
That there was something wrong with you?
You weren’t like the others?
They told you
That you were stupid-
Didn’t they.
Am I right?

All you ever wanted,
Was to play a game of Pretend-
And you weren’t allowed to do that.
So why did no one stop
And realize that you weren’t quite so empty
As they thought?
Because let’s Pretend
That no one
No one,
Can tell you that you are wrong-
For not being the same.
For wishing to go someplace else,
For wanting
To repaint that ceiling.

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