Words Of Wisdom | Teen Ink

Words Of Wisdom

April 26, 2013
By Ty Mayo BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Ty Mayo BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

These are no words of wisdom and if they be
I want the world to think of them when they think of me

Life is a – words wont express
What I think of life
And how it must oppress

The average man, beat him down, kill his soul
Then rise his hope
Fill him until he thinks he is whole

Only to tear him down again, to laugh at his sorrow
To walk him like a well-used path
Then promise a better tomorrow

A lie. A fabrication. Pretty Words. Sugar coating on bitter reality
Which he eats we greed
Ignoring the blatant technicality

That is a cycle, never to end
The world is a raging beast
Incapable of making amends

And unwilling to apologize
While that same man
Drops to his knees and cries

These are no words of wisdom and if they be
I want the world to believe them when they hear of me

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the words of my elders. How they talked about life and its cruelties made me think.

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