The Other Side | Teen Ink

The Other Side

May 2, 2013
By Steven20 SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
Steven20 SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

On the other side titans clash with hatred, bullets spread and hit tissue like rain drops hitting windows.
Voices crawl, crumble, and curse hopes
and dreams.

Yu are never safe and secure, I walk by demons with disguises on their exterior appearance. I ball with ghosts who identity appears to be outrageous and dangerous.

On the other side there is no true and consistent soul of happiness,
Every one seem to be belligerent and then again some are mellow.

The one that are serene are the ones who hold the greatest power.
They barely talk but when they do, there voices articulate and grabs everyone attention.
The other side.

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