First One | Teen Ink

First One

May 5, 2013
By misiu21 SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
misiu21 SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You’re not supposed to
But when it’s just you and him
You feel like it’s the right thing to do
You go out on a limb
First kiss

You stress about what to wear
You finally choose an outfit
You spend hours just doing your hair
When you show up he’s waiting, and you fumble as you try to sit
First date

As a little girl you dream of this day
Growing up watching princesses talk of their love
But you never expected it to be this way
Your heart races and your head flying like a dove
First love

Dressed in white, with wet feet
You wait for everyone to arrive
Your father takes your hand; your heart skips a beat
Your mind races and you wonder how you are going to survive
First Wedding

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