An Ode to being Selfish | Teen Ink

An Ode to being Selfish

May 7, 2013
By Anonymous

My life is as bright as the sun,
As crystal clear of the Atlantic Ocean,
And as green as the leaves bloom,
When spring comes around once again.

I ask myself,
"Why want more when you have everything?"
And then this dark and twisted thought comes to my mind,
"Because everything is just not enough."
Then I ask myself this,
"Why is everything not enough?"
Once more,
This crazy and mysterious thought comes to my mind,
"Why not?"

My family is so loving to one another,
My friends are as crazy and fun as ever before,
My sports are intense and give me a rush to my mind,
Like the feeling of excitement a person gets when Christmas is only a few days away,
And lastly,
My grades.
My grades are as good as eating a chocolate molten cake from Chili's.

But then I ask myself this,
"What is missing from this perfect picture?"
Then this thought comes that gives me this chill feeling of goosebumps arriving on my arms,
"What's the one thing that everyone wants?"
It's like my own question backfired,
But what does everyone want?

Do people want money,
Like as much as the president of the United States is worth?
Or do people want to be the center of attention,
Like the most popular people in school are?
Or just maybe,
I tell myself,
"Is happiness the one thing you want?"
But a bizarre answer took place,
"Look deeper! What's the one thing humans need to be alive?"

I think to myself,
"We all need water,
But that couldn't be it."
Then another crazy thought I have comes to mind,
"Oxygen! We can't live without oxygen."
But myself told me I was getting hotter.
This next had to be it!
"My heart!"

Myself says,
"What does your heart do?"
"My heart is one of my many organs that keeps blood flowing and delivers oxygen to the brain."
But that was the wrong answer.
Myself breaks it down for me a little bit more,
"What's the key to happiness and what does your heart symbolize?"
A thought immediately comes to mind,

It all started to make sense now,
I have everything I want,
But there was only one truly thing I always wanted,
Selfish me wants more than everything,
Selfish me wants more than more,
Selfish me wants more than enough,
But selfish me,
Listen up!
Don't push your luck too far,
Because you don't know what could happen when you waste your pot of gold.

But selfish me ignores the thought of lecture,
So what if selfish me wants more then everything.
Selfish me would rather have love than everything,
Selfish me would trade it in a heart beat!
Cheers for being selfish,
But here it is,
An ode to being selfish.

The author's comments:
I guess I felt like the only thing I ever wanted was love, and I just feel like I will never find it, because the thing that stinks about life is, the person you like/love is in a relationship with someone else, and you just feel like you would never stand a chance. So I think people could connect to this poem the way I did.

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