Captured | Teen Ink


May 30, 2013
By ash_always SILVER, Calcutta, Other
ash_always SILVER, Calcutta, Other
7 articles 14 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You shall love your crooked neighbor<br /> with your crooked heart - Auden

Hid away, somewhere, packed up with careless love,
We all have them, somewhere.
Sometimes filled with regret, sometimes pain and misunderstanding
We peek and nudge at fragments of our distorted lives;
Reach for what was, for what it was worth.
The unusually, unthinkably happy faces
The familiar strangers, the awkward closure,
The sudden choke of realization,
Eyes flood with recollection.
It all comes back,
As it had never left.
A sudden gush of air draws to conclude,
I was not alone,
As I watched us burn
The shadows dance on the walls
Off the fire ignited.
We turn to gray.
We die.
We burn.

The author's comments:
It always appalled me how people and relations, everything for that matter, can be reduced to a mere picture. Also, its intriguing of how just a visual 'captured' can bring the same strong emotions back. This poem was inspired when i was going through some pictures of people who i had lost contact with or had died.

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