Scars | Teen Ink


May 30, 2013
By ash_always SILVER, Calcutta, Other
ash_always SILVER, Calcutta, Other
7 articles 14 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You shall love your crooked neighbor<br /> with your crooked heart - Auden

Dark with time,
Hollowness around,
Self-inflicted was the intention?
Reasons beyond that were unwanted.
Why blame someone else?
It was your mistake.
Hence, your doing.
Misery? Pain?
Mere words to the world.
Cover ups can’t help,
For embedded underneath your skin,
Cold and heartless,
It creeps at your attention.
Eyes are drawn to it,
Questions raised of your sanity.
What do they know?
When you’ve died,
Over and over again,
Amongst the dark walls,
On the sea of tears,
Drowning, choking.
Eating you from within,
Reminding you of the days,
When death seem more favorable,
To breathing.
The shadows lurk behind the walls,
Those ears have heard everything,
Eyes have seen every laugh, every tear.
Shadows of times gone by,
Of yesterday, an eternity away.
They haunt, they mock.
They watch you,
In company they hide in the darkness,
Only to crawl to you,
When left alone.
Slowly taking over every cell,
Possessing is with the needles,
Turning your smile upside down,
Fists quenched, teeth at breaking point.
Nightmares take over your mind,
Despair takes over your soul,
Your heart loses its warmth,
You are left to its mercy.
And they never go,
Etched not only in your skin,
But also your soul,
It never leaves.
Yes, it’s bitter,
But you won’t know,
Unless you are scratched,
By life’s claws.
It will come for you,
Prey you down,
Swallow you whole,
Grip at your chest,
“Why?” you will ask,
When the answers are right in front of you,

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