Digress | Teen Ink


May 22, 2013
By Maya Srinivasan BRONZE, E. Northport, New York
Maya Srinivasan BRONZE, E. Northport, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I wish could digress
From a class
A crowded hallway
A person

I would turn into the slow words of lips
And digress from the topic
The masses of people, The boring lecture
I would digress

I would move away
like the scattered words in my mind
Who like to disappear,
always when I need them

Just for a moment, an hour a day
I would digress from the subject:
Moving lights, hurried people
Due dates, homework, projects, tests

Just for a moment, I would slip away
Close my eyes, steady breath
Like the forgotten point of a subject
I would digress

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