Morning Snow | Teen Ink

Morning Snow

June 12, 2013
By LazySunflower BRONZE, Loma Rica, California
LazySunflower BRONZE, Loma Rica, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.

I open my eyes
Aware that my alarm
Is loudly beeping
At me to wake up.
I turn off my
Alarm and throw off
My heavy comforter.
I dress in my
Thick sweat pants
And pull a sweater
Over my head.
I pull on fuzzy
Boots and walk out
The door. The cold
Air sent goose bumps
Down my spine
As I shivered

It was Christmas
Eve and a fresh
Layer of white snow
Covered the ground.
I walked down the
Road from my house taking
In the sight,
As I noticed another
Figure walking in my direction.
My heart fluttered
As I realized who it was,
It was him.

I met him in only
Five more strides,
We looked into
Each other’s eyes, and
He smiled.
The warmth beneath
My checks peeked as I
Blushed in response.
He laughed then took
My hand in his
And we continued walking
Down the street
Hand in hand
As I thought this moment
Couldn’t be more perfect.

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