Spiraling Sorrow | Teen Ink

Spiraling Sorrow

June 20, 2013
By Typhios SILVER, Sweet Home, Oregon
Typhios SILVER, Sweet Home, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I’m drowning,
Falling deeper into my nightmare,
Hoping and wishing
To feel you in my arms.
I hide from my pain and anger,
But the more I hide I realize that
I am driving you away.
Voices boom all around me,
Garbled and unclear.
Are they trying to speak to me?
No, why would they be…
I am nothing special.
I am spiraling down into
A Hell of my own creation,
Sculpted by sorrow and
Held together by fear.

The author's comments:
This poem reflects how I felt through my my freshman and sophomore years in high school.

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