Lessons Learned | Teen Ink

Lessons Learned

July 20, 2013
By DannyStrider GOLD, Guelph, Other
DannyStrider GOLD, Guelph, Other
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not a fan of puppeteers
but I've a nagging fear
someone else is pulling all the strings

Teach me to play, read, walk

Teach me to love, draw, talk

Teach me to be kind, hopeful, brave

Teach me to pretend that everything’s okay

Teach me to cry without making a sound

Teach me to die without losing a pound

Teach me to hide myself from it all

Teach me to stand whenever I fall

Teach me that caring is setup to pain

Teach me that Abel’s no better than Cain

Teach me that trust is for the weak

Teach me to lie whenever I speak

Teach me

death is easy


life is



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