This World is Beautiful | Teen Ink

This World is Beautiful

July 25, 2013
By Mremokid BRONZE, Park Forest, Illinois
Mremokid BRONZE, Park Forest, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What a treacherous thing to believe a person is more than a person."

-John Green

Even through destruction,
Death, and pollution;
This world is new to you.
And it is beautiful.

Even through war that consumes all
And nations doomed to fall,
This world is new to you.
And it is beautiful.

Even through poverty-stricken life,
Struggles and strife,
This world is new to you.
And it is beautiful.

Even though you’re bound to feel pain,
And though it will rain,
This world is new to you.
And it is beautiful.

With evils that rise and lives that fall,
You can withstand them all.
This world Is you,
And You are beautiful.

The author's comments:
The idea for this poem came from a conversation I had with friends about how many bad things are in the world and what it would be like bringing a child up in the world. I thought about that more and realized to a newborn baby or a small child, everything is new and amazing.

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