The Little Monkey | Teen Ink

The Little Monkey

September 16, 2013
By TayTayTieden SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
TayTayTieden SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since he first came home that sunny summer day I’ve loved him dearly
He would cry every time I spent the night at someone’s house
Yelling no Tay-Tay don’t go
I could never help but smile
He can be a little ball of fire at times
Screaming and yelling when he gets angry
But he is the sweetest little boy you will ever meet
He gives me his stuffed animal monkey when I’m sad
And throws them at me when he’s mad
With all his flaws I still love him
I wouldn’t trade him for the world
He is my little brother
And I will always be his big sister

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece for my little brother.

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