Broken Window | Teen Ink

Broken Window

September 25, 2013
By Emily Osteen BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Emily Osteen BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I felt cold currents cutting
Through my ribcage,
Past my soul and under
My lungs

My body was splayed agape
Like the upstairs window
With the unfixable latch
That would unnerve you to no end

I wake in the depths of darkness
To a left-side sunken mattress,
And I, choking on whiskey—
My new antidote for sleeplessness

Sometimes I clutch my side,
And trace the notches of my ribs
Just to feel the familiarity
Of the way your hand would outline me

I can feel the sutures of where
You merciless cut me open
And left me vulnerable with my beating
Heart exposed, pumping for you

You were a warm breeze encompassing me,
A glass of wine, ripe and calming—
The filled spaces between my ribs,
And a warm palm lulling me

Now I am the broken latch on the window—
Hopelessly worn in the ripping wind,
And constantly unnerving
To you.

The author's comments:
This is a piece reflecting a love lost, and the journey that awaits in continuing with normality, alone.

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