The Lost Athlete | Teen Ink

The Lost Athlete

October 11, 2013
By Anthony Gozzo SILVER, Windsor, Connecticut
Anthony Gozzo SILVER, Windsor, Connecticut
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A nimble deer
Spooked by fear
Running harder, faster
Can’t tackle him
You will never see the same
Too big and strong
Too quick and agile
You will never bring him down
Hits too hard
Then climbs a wall
And throws you out
Off his feet
Is he even human?
I guess only Bo knows
There Bo goes
Never seen again...

The author's comments:
A poem about Bo Jackson, inspired by his 30 for 30. Relating to the mystification of athletes into superheros of our generations, and how Bo Jackson rose to fame and so quickly disappeared. The language in the poem was constructed to reflect this.

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