What Christmas is all about | Teen Ink

What Christmas is all about

November 22, 2013
By LilyAnn367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
LilyAnn367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
8 articles 1 photo 1 comment

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I Believe everyone has a destiny. I believe everyone has a soul mate out there. It's just the matter of finding them. Some people go through their whole life without finding them. And others find them in a matter of years...

It dances in my head, the beautiful scene, sadly enough its not to be seen. I hear the music playing and flowing, it makes my head feel dizzy and knowing. You can’t see its heartbeat, but I can feel its joy, but I know what I know, and I know enjoys… the beauty of magic. It’s not about giving presents, it’s not about sharing, it’s not about shopping or cooking or caring. It’s about the Christ that shed his blood for all the people to share his love. He’s always with you, and always cares, even when you think nobody’s there. He loves you for who you are, and nothing else, and what a shame it would be for not caring about anything else. The music lives with in you, and the song is never ending, for it’s meant to play until your ending. Remember your loved ones on Christmas day. Be thankful for family and love in every way. Watch the snow fall on Christmas Eve while thinking about the loved you’ve possibly lost. And know that there not really lost, there waiting for you, at the gates. I understand this personally, trust me you wouldn’t believe. I know you’ll understand once you believe. I know the true meaning of Christmas; it’s not about gifts or snowdrifts. It’s meant to cherish, and to be held onto, it’s your family and friends to nourish. So, have a great day, and remember its meaning, for you are special and full of gleaming promise. Merry Christmas!

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