Reality | Teen Ink


November 26, 2013
By TommyD BRONZE, North Caldwell, New Jersey
TommyD BRONZE, North Caldwell, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit there and wait while the story proceeds
Examining the dialogue and symbols with caution.
I decide that I like it.

My troubles – the test, the presentation, the application- all fall away.
The worry, the fear, the anxiety I feel
Soon, I will be completely sucked into a
False Reality.

I am the Prince who saves the kingdom.
I am the little girl who rebelled against the role given to her and rose above it.
I am the man who swoops the love of his life off her feet.
I am the dog who reunites with his master.
I am the shy boy who shocks the village with his - what? - intelligence, courage?
I am anyone who lives happily ever after.
I am not myself.

The lights go on and conversations commence.
I remember who I am, where I am – why?
The troubles return.
I’ve stepped back into

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