The Season of Fall | Teen Ink

The Season of Fall

December 4, 2013
By Abby Melnick BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Abby Melnick BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leaves changing colors,
Fall clothing and boots.
The weather gets colder,
Fall scents become bolder.

Its sweater weather almost everyday,
lighting candles to keep warm.
It’s the cozy time of the year,
that exciting time knowing that Thanksgiving is near.

Pumpkin spice everything,
Festivals all season.
Fall is the mellow time,
It’s beauty cost a dime.

Fun with family and friends,
from hay rides to corn mazes.
Carving pumpkins just for fun,
and sharing laughs with everyone.

Thanksgiving with the ones you love,
turkey with stuffing, and cranberry sauce.
The smell of burning wood,
and helping others to do good.

Always wearing leggings and boots,
to messy buns everyday.
A time for giving,
Being thankful for the blessing of living.

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This article has 1 comment.

PiperBloo GOLD said...
on Dec. 7 2013 at 5:53 pm
PiperBloo GOLD, Long Island, New York
12 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
"there are 2 types of writer's: one that makes you think and one that makes you wonder"Brian Aldiss
"Some things i cannot change but til i try i'll never know" Wicked the musical

very cute! keep writing!