My Dear | Teen Ink

My Dear

December 10, 2013
By ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Sometimes I wish you could just read my mind, to find out whats really on my heart, because my words could never tell you.

If my tears could water the world
All the tears I let because of you
The grass would grow high
High to the sky
For me to climb to be with you
You left to soon my dear, for your my other half
The stronger half of me.
You watch over me, day by day, to make sure im okay
But without you I may never be the same
I try to make it through the day
For that's all I can do without you
I can not wait for the day when we meet again
When you will take my hand and we will celebrate
I'll see you soon
When i'm finished here,
Loving everyone here enough for me and you to my dear

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