The Coach | Teen Ink

The Coach

December 10, 2013
By CoLeTP5 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
CoLeTP5 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why don't coaches, any coach at all ask me who I really am. Ask me how I really am and not just ask me why I didn’t make the free throw. Why don’t coaches ask the normal questions like what tv shows I like or what games do I enjoy. Maybe even what I would like for Christmas or what are the names of my pets. I want coaches to say hi to me in public and not just remind me about the upcoming game that week. I need to let them know I am still a kid. I play sports to, but underneath all of the jerseys, pads, and helmets I am still a kid. I need a coach who cares about the individual. Usually I am all about sports but sometimes just sometimes, I want to be a kid again. So I want a coach to ask me, any coach at all what no coach has yet to ask, only then would they see the kid in us all.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this poem was off personal observations and things that I have noticed when playing for coaches. Now I am not saying this is like this for every single coach in the world but this is what I have noticed.

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