Grey. | Teen Ink


December 13, 2013
By veckatimest BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
veckatimest BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pen to paper

Pencil to paper, a stream of thought
coalescing in a stream of graphite
A smile on my face as the reader
formerly emotionless

radiates joy from the metallic sheen in my notebook


I find it intriguing that the color is associated
with neutrality

and lack of emotion
Tell that to the OSU fans on game day
Tell that to the bookworm when it's overcast
as he smiles ever brighter as the pages turn
but he looks outside with a thought

furrowing his brow
what greater force found this happy medium

(goldilocks wanted not too hot and not too cold

just right)
or is it fate
fate smiled up on me today he says
and the cerebral monologue continues as
yin and yang


but why not both?
The thought makes him like that color even more
as he smiles and returns his gaze to his tome.

The author's comments:
Color assignment in English class.

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