Clowns | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

No fear
No sadness
No madness
But why do they smile?
Why do they laugh?
No fear.
Why do they continue to watch me?
Am I doing something wrong?
No sadness.
Why do they continue to move
Out of their coffins, then back in?
And why does the one in front of me
Continue to stare when he doesn't move?
No madness.
But why am I the only one who sees them
Do this, when they are fake?
No, wait...

The author's comments:
I worked at a huanted house known as The Chambers Of Fear, in the clown room. I had this image for three days straight before writing it down.

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