A Poet's Dream | Teen Ink

A Poet's Dream

December 19, 2013
By JuicyFart17 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
JuicyFart17 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am not like them
I do not follow those sheep, like others do
Day, after day
Wearing the pair of shoes everyone has
And forgetting how to be unique.

I am my own special
I walk against the heavy flow of traffic where
Word for word
I do not take other people’s same advice
As my mind hatches up its own.

I look to my future
And do not just simply follow a set plan
Made by sheep
About how I am supposed to live my life
My plan is different.

I have my dream
Where we all can be different from each other
My own plan
Where others can select who they like to be
Not based on their background.

I am not like them
Blind to all the faults in the sheep’s ways
I see them
And I recognize how I could fix them
So everyone can be unique.

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