I'm Watching | Teen Ink

I'm Watching

January 5, 2014
By rejackson0732 BRONZE, Gobles, Michigan
rejackson0732 BRONZE, Gobles, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain."

Should I wait?
Have you ever noticed,
the way I walk alone?
How far has my insanity gone?
You only see my outside
But my inside is already gone
I thought I could let you in
You'd never let me down
But my heart was broken
More than three times
Without a doubt
You were like a shadow
On a bright and sunny day
During my darkest hour
You never came to play
You held my hand
So soft and sweet
My memories cannot defeat
You left me alone
Even though we stand hand-in-hand
Your 'love'
I never wanted to end
You hang out with those girls
Acting so nice, flirty and sweet
But after
You jump in and sink your teeth
Seeming like trash
You follow another girl
Class to class
Falling for each other
While I stand here and act like another
You said you loved me
And adored me
Acting like a man
You only wanted attention
So I could be another fan
Your sweet voice drifted through my dreams
It's just pain and screams
Now you walk hand-in-hand
Never wanting your 'love' to end
It will come to a tragic fate
When he finds another mate
Now you understand my pain
I stand here

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