Majestic Diner | Teen Ink

Majestic Diner

January 7, 2014
By Alexa Kapoor BRONZE, Horsham, Pennsylvania
Alexa Kapoor BRONZE, Horsham, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s 12:24 and I’m sitting in a red chair
Looking out at red city lights
Watching a red-headed woman throw her head back and
Part her red lips
To let out a silver laugh.
It’s 12:25 and I’m sitting in a silver chair.
Looking out at silver city buildings
Watching a little girl’s silver tear roll down her red cheek
And land on her mother’s green scarf.
It’s 12:26 and I’m sitting in a green chair
Looking out at the once-green sidewalks
Watching an old man’s green coat sleeve flap against his cracked red hand
As it wildly grasps for a silver cane.

The author's comments:
I was in New York City sitting in a cute little diner with my dad, and it was right before Christmas. The city was lit up with green, red, and silver, so I got inspired!

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