Voices | Teen Ink


January 13, 2014
By SSerranilla BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
SSerranilla BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thudding and banging on the
heavy oak door abruptly ends
my slumber.

Followed up by near voices
yelling, "Everyone wake up, you have
30 seconds to get onto
the field.

Frantically, I search for my clothes
in the pitch dark. I stumble over the
chairs and desk adjacent to my bed.

I slipped on the grey short and t-shirt
drenched in sweat from laboring
in the turf football field the day before.

After making my way out of the abyss
that is my room, I see my teammates
running down the stairs as if they had
encountered a murder.

I made my way with the crowd down
the flights of stairs. Once onto the field,
I stood there lined up next to my
teammates on the sideline. My legs
feeling as if there were millions of needles
poking them all at once.

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