Snowflake | Teen Ink


January 17, 2014
By Al-Tamar Jason BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Al-Tamar Jason BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snowflakes fall and glide,
on a journey to return where they reside.
In the sky,
where snowflakes freely fly.
I would love to make a pilgrimage,
but that would be hard in this new age.
But I will take care of my mom until she passes by,
then we’ll be in paradise, my family and I.
My snowflake is calm, collected, observant, and always fun;
it’s always cool to have eyes that change color depending on the sun.
As we grew up our parents have always watched us fly,
whenever it snows, we’re uplifted with joy when we see snowflakes fly by our eye.
We need to learn to find someone, talk to them, and put down the sticks;
because hostility is an issue that can be fixed.
All snowflakes are equal,
just like all people.
Every snowflake will fall then rise,
all snowflakes are beautiful, just look through the right eyes.

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