It's a Mystery | Teen Ink

It's a Mystery

January 18, 2014
By brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tell me I can't, I won't hear you!"
-A'mare Stoudemire (NBA NY Knicks)

There once was a lady
As bright as day
She tried to think back
To the summer of May.

Twenty years ago
It was hot and dry
She wanted to remember
The clouds in the sky

Her sister and her brother
All wet from the pool
Were running and jumping
And happy about no school

The memory lingered
In the back of her mind
However, she though about it
All of the time

The memory came back
In a frightening way
She knew it would haunt her
Day after day

This lady had a secret
On from deep inside
No one knew
But she thought she could hide

After it happened
She ran far away
And never looked back
Just wandered astray

No one knew
Where she had gone
She kept running, running
Running along.

She went farther and farther
And never came back
She couldn’t bear the pain
Of what remained intact

She couldn’t believe
What had happened that morning
But she would not tell
The full story

Is not as it seems
We don’t know what happened
But maybe you could dream

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