The Color of Sidewalk | Teen Ink

The Color of Sidewalk

January 14, 2014
By Jordan Rutz SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
Jordan Rutz SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From my window, I see light.
I see the shiny pavement
from the rainstorm.

The sky is dark blue
like my heavy drapes beside me.
I see a couple walking
arm in arm,
he holding the umbrella
like a true gentleman.
I smile.

Their bodies reflect off the clear ground,
with leaves falling around them
into the river.
The street lights illuminate the autumn trees
enhancing their color.
Orange, red, yellow
I smile again.

From my window I see
I see happiness and peacefulness.

Rain comes falling
and I see it all over again

The author's comments:
I was looking at a photo of a paiting titled 'Romantical Love', and I wrote what I saw.

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