Leaves | Teen Ink


February 7, 2014
By Summer Asad BRONZE, Dublin, Ohio
Summer Asad BRONZE, Dublin, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s innocent really. A strange thing to think about. But I slipped on a leaf.
The bruises were fine, a little melodramatic I would think. But time comes, the doctor’s say. Time comes when they fade.
Maybe that was true for Tom. Maybe for Dick and Harry too.
But my bruises didn’t fade. They stayed here, with me.
To keep me company.
My parents too thought of the bruises.
But the doctors turned specialists had other things to say.
Cancer they say.
I slipped on a leaf,
And that is really all there is to it.

The author's comments:
People really close to me have been challenged by this disease. You think you can fight back, you think you can prevail. In the end, cancer is your only friend.

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