People are Diffrent | Teen Ink

People are Diffrent

February 11, 2014
By Kourtney Nelson BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Kourtney Nelson BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There's all different types of people in the world.
If you sit and listen for just awhile the world,
will wisper about all the different types of people
It says there are:
People that are as dumb as a door nails
People that are human dictionarys
People that hurt
People that are broken
People that need more help then they are offered
People that are courageous
People that are terrified
People that stand up for others
People that can't stand up for themselves
People that are nice
People that are cruel beyond belief
People that are outgoing
People that don't get out much
People that are tall
People that are short
People that are skinny
People that chose to be bigger then others
People that have have big bulky muscles
People that have no muscles at all looking as if they are sick
The point is everyone is everyone is different.
The world would say the exact same thing it
would also agree that people need to accept
others differences and also that being nice to
people can make another person feel better
about them selves.

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