The Art of Getting by . | Teen Ink

The Art of Getting by .

March 15, 2014
By Joya Newman SILVER, North Little Rock, Arkansas
Joya Newman SILVER, North Little Rock, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I spend everyday thinking of what life would be like if you we're here
Thinking of all your hopes and dreams and all the good times that were near
When you left I couldn't believe you we're gone
I spent months wondering why you had to leave me ..
you were my best friend , now who was I suppose to be ?
Some loner kid I guess , kinda like I am now
With only one friend , and always being put down
I was always pretty sad but now I was the saddest
I ain't have nobody to talk to .. Nobody to be mad at .
Remember in 1st grade when I had that play ?
You checked me out of school early and everything .
If only I knew 2 years later you were gonna die
I woulda helped you out , and not just watched you cry .
But I was only a little kid , nobody let me know
That my best friend , my grandmother was about to go .
I loved you sooo much granny , nobody will ever know
how bad it hurt me
When you died on that hospital bed at 7:34
The day of your funeral was the hardest of all the crying and slumped shoulders
Why didn't they care about you when you were in motion ?
Bunch of fakes that's what they are , they ain't care about you
They put you down and they always doubted you
I was there for you grandma , and always will be
When I walked up to your casket , I fell on my knees
I couldn't believe ..
It's like I just saw you the other day laughing and cheering and screaming hooray
Who woulda knew that On that one day
you was gonna close your eyes and see no-more days
i'll see you again , and it will make me so happy get to see my best friend .

The author's comments:
This poem is about my feelings on the death of my grandmother .

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on Apr. 4 2014 at 9:41 pm
BearPride SILVER, Sherwood, Arkansas
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never Give Up!

Great gurl! Keep on a writin!