Jealousy | Teen Ink


March 30, 2014
By manofsteel900 BRONZE, Camas, Washington
manofsteel900 BRONZE, Camas, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
He who glances back on the past, stumbles forward on the future.

I turn to look at a resounding applause,
Although I do not understand the clause.
It seems a frightful feat is done,
and all those involved have won.
After the joyous chorus of quick hands, a pause,
For something happened, I knew not what it was.
Was it the bearing of the weight of a ton,
Or the graceful balance of a limber one.
I still do often wonder what the ovation was,
And do still remorse over the fact, because,
It was not I in the possession of such fun.
I still am jealous of that talented one.

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