Circumstance | Teen Ink


April 1, 2014
By Barbie96 GOLD, Jefferson, New York
Barbie96 GOLD, Jefferson, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a world of circumstance.
as it is, I sit suspended on scaffolding,
rusted by heaven
and toss orange peels into rooms of probability.
Every moment a chance
Oh, forced conversation held with such reverence!
In a world of preference
would pride overcome desire?
Rapture to the point of pain-
He’s made solitary plans
I cavort through the future to dip my toes
in the shimmering exposure
of his existence.
It’s a world of circumstance
and to the Modern Viking,
Bravery clawing a monologue from her raw lips
well, thank goodness for it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Tybro9090 said...
on Apr. 22 2014 at 9:52 am
This is so incredible. I really like the language of all your work! Keep it up!