I Choose Love | Teen Ink

I Choose Love

April 28, 2014
By justyourginger GOLD, Ramsey, Minnesota
justyourginger GOLD, Ramsey, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Who can say that I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good." -Wicked

I choose to love,
Because hate is like poison, bubbling away in your veins
eating your soul from the inside out
slowly souring your life,
Hate is too much work.

I choose to love,
Because a condescending nature will estrange yourself from everyone
People will pull away from you
Nobody can be friends with a pedestal person
It’s too much work.

I choose to love,
Because lust may be a fire coursing through your body
making everything explode in fireworks
High, leaving you just like them
Lust is too much work.

I choose love,
Because even though you cannot help the depression, it creeps in
weighing your limbs down ‘til moving is hard
making everything dark grey
Living is then too much work.

I choose love,
Because the alternative is a horror we have all lived
Destroying our happiness in the end
Even though it can be hard
Love is never too much work.

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