Give a Kid a Toy | Teen Ink

Give a Kid a Toy

May 27, 2014
By synalyssa SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
synalyssa SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you give a kid a toy,
he will want another one.
But once the toy breaks,
he will cry.
To stop his crying,
you will try to soothe him,
once you can't soothe him.
You will give him another toy.

When the kid stops crying,
you will be relieved.
When the kid breaks that toy,
he will cry again.

You will not know what to do,
so you get the kid another toy.
Once he cries again,
you leave the kid there
with all of his broken toys.
Relieved once again.

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