Disturbance | Teen Ink


June 5, 2014
By Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
Heyoooooooo PLATINUM, Ormond Beach, Florida
44 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pregnant silence soon gave birth to a bawling sound,
The shadows drew around the sound like moths to a light,
The figure was wrapped up in a blanket of darkness.

It tip-toed through the house with nary a whisper,
It slithered on the floor without the merest hint of a noise,
It grew nearer to its destination without so much as a peep.

The door was locked,
The bolt held tight,
The barrier was not held shut for long.

Soon, it creep into the room.
Soon, it would find its prey.
Soon, the disturbance shall become the disturbed.

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